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Color Converter
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Color Converter is a tool that converts color values into different formats. It supports converting color values into formats such as HEX, HEXA, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA, and CMYK, and provides a color picker and automatic saving function. Features: 1. Input color values: Users can input color values in the input box, supporting common color formats such as #RRGGBB, #AARRGGBB, rgb(r, g, b), rgba(r, g, b, a), hsl(h, s%, l%), hsla(h, s%, l%, a), and cmyk(c, m, y, k). 2. Color picker: Users can open the color picker by clicking the color picker button next to the input box, select a color, and automatically fill it into the input box. 3. Automatic saving: The color values entered by the user will be automatically saved, and the last saved color values will be automatically filled in when the tool is opened next time. 4. Color conversion: The tool will automatically convert the input color values into formats such as HEX, HEXA, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA, and CMYK, and display the converted results on the page. Use cases: 1. Front-end development: In front-end development, different color formats such as HEX, RGB, and HSL are often used. Using Color Converter can easily convert color values into the required format. 2. Designers: Designers need to use different color formats to create design drafts. Using this tool, they can easily convert color values into the required format. 3. Data analysis: In data analysis, colors are often used to represent different states of data. Using Color Converter can easily convert color values into the required format and use them in data visualization. 4. Education and learning: In education and learning, students need to learn different ways of representing colors. Using this tool, they can easily convert color values into the required format and deepen their understanding of colors.
Version Histroy
Version 1.0.5 publish on 2023-10-18
Version 1.0.4 publish on 2023-10-18
Version 1.0.3 publish on 2023-05-18
CSS color keyword
Color Converter
color format
color picker
Last updated a year ago