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JSON Generator
By He3 Team
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JSON Generator is a tool used to generate random JSON data. It can generate random JSON data that conforms to the JSON data structure input by the user. Features: 1. Users can input a JSON data structure, and the tool will generate random JSON data that conforms to the structure. 2. The tool supports generating various types of data, including numbers, strings, booleans, arrays, and objects. 3. The tool supports generating repeated array data, and users can specify the number of repetitions and data types. 4. The tool supports generating multiple types of data, and users can specify different types of data in the same JSON data structure. Use cases: 1. API development and testing: When developing or testing APIs, developers often need to generate JSON data that meets certain requirements. Using the JSON Generator tool, they can quickly generate random JSON data that meets the requirements, making it easier to test various API scenarios. 2. Data analysis: Data analysts need to process and analyze various JSON data. Using this tool, they can easily generate JSON data that meets their requirements, making it easier to understand the data structure and content. 3. JSON data review: During code review, reviewers can use the JSON Generator tool to generate JSON data that meets their requirements, making it easier to test various code scenarios.
Version Histroy
Version 1.0.7 publish on 2023-06-01
Version 1.0.6 publish on 2023-05-15
Version 1.0.4 publish on 2023-05-11
JSON data generator
API testing tool
Data analysis tool
Code review tool
Last updated 2 years ago