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Unicode Decoding
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Unicode Decoding tool is a tool used to convert Unicode encoding to corresponding characters. It can convert Unicode encoded strings to corresponding characters, and also convert characters to Unicode encoded strings. Function description: 1. Paste or enter the Unicode encoded string into the tool. 2. The tool will automatically detect whether the input string is Unicode encoded and decode or encode it accordingly. 3. The decoded or encoded string will be displayed in the output area of the tool. 4. The tool provides sample data for users to test and use. 5. The tool also provides the function of automatically filling in input conditions, which can automatically determine whether the input string is Unicode encoded. Usage scenarios: 1. String decoding: In the development or testing process, it is often necessary to convert Unicode encoded strings to corresponding characters. Using the Unicode Decoding tool can quickly decode strings, making it easy to view and understand data content. 2. String encoding: In the development or testing process, it is often necessary to convert characters to Unicode encoded strings. Using the Unicode Decoding tool can quickly encode strings, making it easy to transmit and store data. 3. Data analysis: Data analysts need to process and analyze various string data, including Unicode encoded strings. Using this tool, they can easily convert Unicode encoded strings to corresponding characters, thereby better understanding data structure and content. 4. String review: During code review, reviewers can use the Unicode Decoding tool to decode Unicode encoded strings, making it easier to view and understand data structure.
Version Histroy
Version 1.0.3 publish on 2023-06-01
Version 1.0.2 publish on 2023-05-05
Version 1.0.1 publish on 2023-05-04
Unicode encoding
string decoding
string encoding
data analysis
string inspection
Last updated a year ago